The Devil Went Down to Austin Read online

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  We knocked on the screen door, got no answer, called hello. Still no reply.

  Maia kindly offered her key chain knife, which I used to unlatch the door.

  The living room was bright with morning sun. Pothos and ivy crowded the windows. I put the newspaper down on the sideboard.

  A suitcase lay open and empty on the sofa. On the coffee table was the large brown binder Faye had shown Maia and me the week before.

  Maia went to the stereo, checked out the case on the CD player. She mightve been waiting in a doctors office, for all the anxiety she showed.

  I sat next to the suitcase, opened the memory book. The picture of Ewin Lowry and Clara Doebler stared up at me—Clara smiling, her hand resting on the hood of the 65

  Mustang as if it were a favourite horse. Ewin Lowrys smile was more devilish, his teeth perfectly white. Small build, dark skin—not really olive, as Id speculated before, but the hue of cinnamon.

  Something shattered.

  I looked up. Faye Ingram was standing in her kitchen doorway, shards of a Jimmy Doebler coffee cup at her feet.

  Her fingers were flaked with mud. She wiped them absently on her gardening apron, then touched her face as if to make sure her mascara and jewellery and pennyred hairdo were still in place.

  "Mr. Navarre," she said. "Miss Lee. What are you doing in my house?"

  "You havent disappeared," Maia said. "Im glad to see that. "

  Faye glanced behind her, into the kitchen. "Im fine, thank you. I think you should leave. "

  "Hes here," I said. "Isnt he?"

  She knelt down, began picking up pieces of the cup, using her apron as a collection pouch. "Im afraid— Im not quite awake yet, Mr. Navarre. I havent had my second cup of coffee, havent had my thirty minutes in the garden. Im afraid Im not following you. "

  I slipped the picture of Ewin and Clara out of its plastic pocket. "The resemblance is there, isnt it, if you blend the two of them together? I just wasnt looking for the right connection. "

  "You shouldnt be here. "

  She stood, the pottery shards in her apron. Plucking up the ends of the fabric, she looked as if she were about to curtsy.

  "Twentyfive years ago," I said. "You saved your sisters child. "

  "Please dont ask me this. "

  "Clara had her second son, but it was another battle she couldnt win against the family, wasnt it? They forced her to give the baby away. W. B. s father made the arrangements—no paperwork, no embarrassment, just discreet payments to a family that would keep the secret and ask no questions as long as the money kept coming.

  The Doeblers either didnt know or didnt care what kind of operation the Hayeses were running—what kind of hell they inflicted on their charges. But you found out. Youd watched Clara unravel—you knew that she was unfit to take care of herself, much less a child, but you also knew her misery. You resented the family for what theyd done to her. "

  Faye pressed her lips tight, turned her face toward the door jamb. "I never married, Tres, never had children. I saw how the familys expectations destroyed my sister—how she kept giving them more rope to strangle her with. "

  "But you found a way to save something of your sister. You found a way to have a family, too. By the time your nephew was six, it was clear to you what kind of monsters the Hayeses were. Their own son Dwight was being twisted, misshaped by an abusive father and a dangerously unstable mother. Your nephew was not faring much better.

  In one incident, he almost died. That decided you. You rescued the child, kidnapped him. You placed him in a home of your choosing, supported by your money, and you made sure he was treated well. He became your son more than Claras, and as he grew, you were not about to tell your sister—to see the one good deed of your life be tainted by the Doeblers. They would find a way to interfere again. Clara would insist on raising the child, and she would screw it up, the way shed screwed up everything in her life. The child was yours now. Thats why the payments to the Hayeses stopped.

  Because the child was no longer there. "

  In the kitchen, a coffee machine gurgled and steamed as it let out the last of its water into the filter. Faye clutched her apron. One tear was making its way down her cheek.

  Her mascara streaked like a smear of ashes.

  "He warned me. He said the best we could hope for was a few more quiet days. I so hoped— Oh, Tres. You dont understand. Until Claras death, we had so many good years. Even after, when he was worried for my safety, when he was so busy guarding our lives and our secret that he could barely enjoy my company—even then, every day was a gift. I would give anything to protect him. Everything else failed to matter long ago. "

  I could barely speak. The unequivocal love in her voice was humbling. "We need to see him, Ms. Ingram. "

  She hesitated, then nodded, resigned to the inevitable. She led us through the kitchen and into the yard.

  The grass was dappled with light through the oak tree. A new jar of sun tea glowed on the sidewalk. Another Jimmy Doebler coffee cup and two plates of cinnamon toast sat on the patio table.

  He was working near the tomato cages, cutting dead sunflower stalks with a machete.

  Nearby on the grass, a flat of lantana waited, ready to be planted in the sunflowers


  He wore swim trunks, flipflops, a plain white Tshirt smeared with dirt and sweat and plant pigments. When he turned, expecting to see only Faye, his face was the most content Id ever seen it— calm, happy, at peace with his mornings work.

  Then his expression went absolutely blank.

  "Hello, Vic," I said.

  Vic Lopez raised his machete hand, used the back of his glove to wipe a sweat droplet off his chin. He studied us, the blade of the machete hovering over his left shoulder like an insect wing.

  "Navarre. Maia. I was just giving Ms. Ingram a hand. Amazing the things you can do once you quit the day job. "

  "He knows," Faye told him.

  Lopez met her eyes, had a silent conversation, looked back at us.

  "Dwights revenge," I said. "It wasnt against his family—it was against yours. "

  Faye moved to the patio table, sank into one of the chairs. She began putting the shards of the broken cup on the table.

  "Youre the friend Dwight lost," I said. "You were snatched out of the Hayes house when you and he were only six. You were rescued, and Dwight was left behind. He never forgot. "

  Lopez lowered his machete.

  "I didnt know," he said. "Until very recently, I didnt understand who was doing the killing. I was too young when I—when I got free of that place. Thankfully, I dont remember much. The name Hayes meant nothing to me. He was just another interviewee. "

  Faye said, "He never told me about Dwight. If he had, perhaps I wouldve made the connection. But perhaps not . . . it was so long ago. It was something we put behind us. "

  "But it shaped Dwights life," I said. "He never forgot. You were his personal quest, Vic.

  He resented you, hated you, but somewhere in the back of his mind he also loved you, identified with you the way he identified with Matthew Pena. Dwight thought he was you. He wanted to do for you what he wished someone could do for him—kill the family who had let him down. "

  Lopez turned the blade of his machete, watching it reflect the sunlight. "I never knew my father. "

  "Ewin Lowry was Hispanic," I said. "That was part of the reason the Doebler family didnt want him around. His name—"

  "Was changed to something nice and Anglo when he was young," Lopez interrupted.

  "His surname was originally Lopez, which is the name Faye decided to give back to me. Thats really all I know about him. When Dwight found Lowry in Waco, he killed a man who meant nothing to me. Clara—my mother—that was different, but mostly her death hurt me because she was Fayes sister, because I watched her die. I dont mean to be cold, Navarre, but youve got to understand—Faye has always been my mother.

  I neve
r knew Clara well, or any of the other Doeblers. I never wanted to. I know now that Dwight meant for me to be there the night he killed Clara. "

  "Hed studied you, knew your patrol schedule. You realized Claras death was more than a suicide. You went into homicide because of what you saw that night. "

  "I knew there was something wrong. "

  "And after Jimmy was murdered—"

  "I went off in completely the wrong direction—exactly the way Dwight wanted me to go.

  Its only when Ruby died, when I realized the connection to Ewin Lowry—it did look like Claras son might be involved. But I was Claras son. I thought maybe Pena was re

  sponsible, playing mind games with me. I didnt know what to believe. " He gestured at Faye. "I insisted that Faye leave town for a while, until I could figure things out. "

  "Dwights plan," I said. "Those unsigned files on the disk. He wasnt claiming to be Claras son? he was leaving that as your suicide note. He meant to get away, leave you the blame—a dead man at the bottom of the lake, killing yourself the same way youd killed your victims, your family. "

  "Except Maia saved me. "

  Maia said nothing—exactly what shed said about her trip underwater for the past three days.

  Victor tugged off his leather gardening gloves, threw them on the dirt. "So what now?"

  Faye had arranged the pieces of broken cup into a line, the same way shed done with the poisonous coral beans on my last visit. I wondered if Faye always tried to organize things into straight lines.

  "No one will charge you with a crime," Maia said. "The police cant fire you for misrepresenting your identity if youve already quit. But the tabloids will have a field day. Its only a matter of time before the reporters find out the truth. "

  Vic nodded. "When it happens Ill deal with that. Until then, I plan on spending my time here. "

  The summer heat had started to burn through the morning.

  Soon the garden would be a hundred degrees, fit only for cicadas and dragonflies and herbs. But I could picture Faye and Victor out here again this evening—drinking freshly brewed sun tea, enjoying the catmint and sage that had infused the air during the afternoon, watching the blue glow of the moonlight tower take over from the sunset.

  Like all Texans, they had learned to make the most of the edges of the day.

  "There is a lot I regret," Lopez said. "But the important things had to survive. Do you understand?"

  I told him I did. I shook his hand and said goodbye.

  But as we left him to his gardening, as we accepted Faye DoeblerIngrams hugs and then headed back into her house, I wasnt at ease with my own jealousy.

  Faye and Victor had salvaged a family from the ruins of a clan.

  Maia laced her fingers in mine.

  I looked at her.

  Something about her smile made it easier to go down the front porch steps.


  I was spoiling the guys in English 301. This was the second time in two weeks Id brought Maia Lee to class.

  All through my lecture on Coleridge, the flipflop dudes checked her out.

  I thought about ways to recapture their interest—maybe get a dead bird and a rope and use Father Time as a visual aid for the Ancient Mariner. But in the end, I decided just to let them be distracted. They had a test next week. I had a red pen.


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